Casey (Daddy) and I had just moved to the area and we were lucky enough to end up living in a Ski Resort called Massanutten (I'm going to be really sad when we move again). A few weeks after we moved to Massanutten there was a Pig Roast/Pot Luck for residents of the resort and we decided to go.
As we were walking into the lodge we were slightly worried we had moved to a retirement home. Everyone that we saw was about 50+ years older than us. We walked through the door and got in line to sign in. Standing behind us was the first young couple we had seen! I immediately struck up conversation with the woman, Maria. After signing in, everyone was filing to the back to grab a table. I scanned the room and saw that young couple again and immediately Casey and I looked at each other and walked over, without saying a word to each other.
We sat down and introduced ourselves. Of course the first question when you are nice and round is "How far along are you?" Maria and I started chatting about babies, as Casey and Maria's husband Ron, started chatting about......well, man stuff, I suppose.
Maria and I got on the topic of occupations and she told me she was a Doula. Without taking a breath I said, "No Way! I've been looking into hiring a Doula!" We were instantly connected. After filling up on delicious food, we exchanged phone numbers and said our goodbye's.
It was a complete act of fate meeting her that night. Now I don't suggest this as a method of trying to find a Doula. You'll have much better luck checking out the DONA International website or asking your Doctor or Midwife for recommendations.
Currently Reading: "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" by La Leche League International & "Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money" by Dave Ramsey and "French Kids Eat Everything" by Karen Le Billon

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