Monday, September 15, 2014

Now Trending: Not-Married Moms!

A very common question pregnant women who aren't married hear is, "When are you getting married?". Right after the ever so popular "What are you having!?!" ...... An alien. I'm having an alien and I am getting married tomorrow so you can stop asking that question.

If you love, or even like the pregnant woman in your life, just don't ask her that first question. Please. Yes, you may think it in your head, but keep it there. We are all sick of hearing it. We will get married in our own time, we when want to.

I know more not-married moms than married ones (I hate the word single, because it portrays the idea that Mom is alone and some of us aren't). We got a wonderful surprise and decided that getting married during this time was not what we wanted. Why would we rush getting married? I want to have time to plan a wonderful wedding and be able to fully enjoy it (So sue me, I want to be able to drink at my wedding)! I want to have E at a point where she has weaned (on her own time) and Casey and I are comfortable enough to be away from her. She is my main concern, not myself.

At the end of the day E has a Mommy and Daddy who love her very much and she has no idea we aren't married.

This is for all the Mommy's out there who have heard that dreaded question!

I give you permission to slap the next person who asks you this question........I mean.....uh.....never mind, do what you feel.

Friday, September 12, 2014

I'm never starting solids. Ever.

That pretty much summarizes my feelings on starting solids. It's scary! I'm betting I'm not the only parent who has had this thought. My sweet baby girl has only had mommy-milk and gas drops (which she now tolerates). No bottles, no pacifiers. She is an avid thumb sucker now and is beginning to chew on anything she can grab. The idea of putting REAL food in her mouth scares me. 

A very common first food for babies is rice cereal. Recent studies have found low levels of arsenic in rice cereal. ARSENIC! I realize it almost impossible to avoid, as it is found in soil, but I would just like to avoid it completely. Shouldn't anything we use for baby be 100x safer than everything else?

We have decided to start with something besides rice cereal and practice Baby Led Weaning. BLW is the practice of starting your baby on solids that they can feed to themselves and that have texture to help your lo (little one) learn to chew and handle food in their mouths. I am not claiming to know much/anything about BLW, but hopefully soon I will be getting a copy of the book and will be well equipped when E hits 6 months! I'd love to hear any experiences you've had with BLW! 

Happy Friday!!

Link to USA Today article on arsenic levels in rice cereal and other products.

Monday, September 8, 2014

I'm Over Here! Under the Pile of Poopy Diapers and Breast Pads.

I'm Alive!

4+ months later and I am coming out of the fog and getting the hang of this Mommy thing! It hasn't been easy.....ok, it was harder than I could've ever imagined, but here I am, multitasking! Nursing, blogging, and munching on chocolate chips (don't hate). 

Ellery is one healthy & happy girl! We have been learning quite a bit from each other and enjoying every minute of it! I'm hoping to begin posting again regularly after we move. You can expect some fabulous posts in the not so distant future. 

Ellery Stats:

Born on: April 28th,  2014
Weight:  9 lbs 1oz
Length:  19.5 inches

Weight: 16.8 lbs      (~95th percentile)
Length:  26 inches   (97th percentile)

Stay Tuned!

Lots of Love <3